Monday, October 25, 2010

Poinsettia Loop

Just a quick ride the weekend after the MS ride to see if all the parts from the bike and body are working appropriately.
I had the bike taken in for a clean and tune at bicycle warehouse and pretty much appears that they just cleaned the bike and didn't replace parts back to my specific settings. The front derailler works about as bad as it did when I took it in. The handlebars were not even set straight, the seat angle was all jacked up. I was not happy with the $60 I spent on that tune-up needless to say. Needless to say, I will not be taking my bike back there again and will be taking any suggestions on a good bike mechanic for future tune-ups...
All of the parts on my body seemed to be working just fine. I felt like I could have done the MS ride again with just a couple of days of recovery time.

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