This post is a bit overdue. I did this ride Saturday morning. I started very early to avoid the heat that was supposed to stick around until late Sunday but never really materialized. Thursday and Friday were in the low to mid 90's so I got up early to avoid that. I'll let the boys in France hammer away in the mid 90's heat and sun. I was home from this short but effective ride by 9:15am. The cool cloudless morning was ideal for heading to the coast and tackling some hills just east of the coast through Carlsbad and east Oceanside. I really feel like 4-6 days off between rides is optimal, but feel like I need to vary my rides between heart pumping rides and slower casual rides so my legs get used to the long run of the Century ride scheduled in October.
I have another long ride that is in the early planning stages. This will cover two days and be, by far my longest ride. I would like to find a riding partner before I commit because I have only been on short portions of this ride. I'll discuss details of the ride in the next 30 days or so. I'm pretty excited about what kind of ride this could be for me. It will encompass a portion of a ride that has been on my "bucket list" for nearly two decades now.
The dog is barking for me to feed or walk him. Gotta go!!!