Monday, July 13, 2009

How important is the MS bike ride to me?

When I planned the MS bike ride, I was so excited that I could do something that I really enjoyed and could help with a cause that has affected my family and me in personal ways.

I was so excited that I didn't even check my events calendar. I was going to do it!
Well, most of you know how much I love my NASCAR. The California race that I have been going to for years is scheduled the same weekend and it is the speedways first "chase race", which is like a playoff game in other sports.
When I realized this, I didn't even think twice about the MS ride. I am committed to this event 100%.
I do have 4 tickets to the NASCAR races for both October 10th Nationwide race and October 11th Sprint cup race and will be selling my ticket on by August 1st so that the proceeds will go to the MS ride unless I get an offer I can refuse before then. I'm willing to take trades in kind as well for the remaining ticktets.

Thank you!

I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who have supported me thus far so that I can do my little part in eliminating MS from our planet by doing what I love. Thank you for your support through my Facebook cause page at:

Those of you who have shown support through this portal, please help me by passing this on to your Facebook contacts. We can use all the support we can get...

Don't forget to check out my regularly updated blog for my training progress and news here:

With out my bike I don't ride. With out your support Multiple Sclerosis wins the battle.

Bike is in for a much needed tune-up

After yesterdays ride, I took my bike in for a much needed tune up. I got this bike new about seven months ago and started riding it regularly by mid february and have over 1200 miles on the bikes computer odometer. I know enough to get myself in to trouble when it comes to fine tuning a bike, so I'm leaving it up to the pros and hopefully it will be like new again when I get it back. It is supposed to be done by Tuesday. I'll go for my second ride this week either that day or Wednesday depending on the rest of the families plans.