Yesterday I re-discovered Neptune Avenue just west and parallel to the 101 in Leucadia and Encinitas. This section helps me avoid by far the worst section of my favorite ride. By worst I mean chock-full of tourist and teen drivers with their 3000 lb. binoculars viewing everything except the road in front of them. I have never seen a rider get hit or injured and I have never been hit, but have always said that if I do, chances are it will be in this section of my favorite ride. Neptune almost completely navigates around that mess of a road. It is one lane of local traffic, joggers, bikers and surfers trying to get to their surf turf.
In the last two weeks, I have managed to find the best alternative routes around the most dangerous sections of my ride, which not only makes me feel more safe, but should give a little comfort to those who have expressed concern about me on my longer rides.
The ride itself was a butt kicker. The 52 mile ride was great for about 2-3rds of the ride, but I just didn't have enought gas at the end because of how I planned the pre-ride nutrition. I should have just stopped to eat something on the ride back, but second guessed that am now paying the price. That tough lesson will hopefully prepare me to make better decisions next time around.